I love Proverbs. It's just like sitting around the dinner table talking to your grandma. My grandma always had the most amazing sayings and little poems that she would recite. Some of them were comical but the point was straight serious. Let's see....how do these verses apply to me? I definitely want to give more and not just in church, but into people's lives who are right around me. Trust me, sometimes what people have need of is not money. It may be time, attention, Godly advise, a shoulder to cry on. I want to be more attentive; more giving more sensitive. And "a-hem" let me clear my throat on that last one....I would hate to be compared to a gold ring in a pig's snout. That's just wrong on so many levels. As a woman I want to be full of grace and beauty.
Today's fitness tip:
Keep your bones strong as you get older to avoid osteoporosis and breaking bones. You may already know this, but did you know that you should take your calcium tablets at night? Calcium is a blocker to other vitamins and can prohibit them from working effectively if taking at the same time. So try taking your calcium tabs at night, right before bed. You'll sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed. Remember folks saying a warm glass of milk or some ice cream can help you sleep; same concept without the ice cream guilt.
Fitness update:
I've been working out for about 20 minutes each day, this week and I knew I needed to step my game up a bit so I can start seeing the results I'm looking for. So I worked out with a DVD called Total Body Toner by The Firm. It's no joke and it requires three sets of weight (3 lbs, 5 lbs and 8 lbs). I could only get through 20 minutes of the 45 minute workout. Honey I was huffing and puffing by that time. So I decided to add a few more minutes to my workout by doing about 100 crunches. I varied them and ended up with a total workout time of 28 minutes....Not bad.
Tonight for dinner I wanted to try something different. The veggie wraps were getting a little old, but I want to continue on the raw food path, this week. So I made some Zucchini Spaghetti.

It was actually delicious! My husband even liked it. I made two plates of "spaghetti" from one medium zucchini. All I did was cut the zucchini in half (long ways) and then sliced flat looking "pages" of zucchini from there. (I hope that makes sense) Then I cut it into extra thin strips, hence the spaghetti look. I added some diced tomato, diced onion, and diced bell peppers. I tossed the diced veggies in a dash of olive oil; added a pinch of sea salt and pepper and.....VOILA! Dinner is served, Baby!
I even feel relatively full, not stuffed and uncomfortable, but satisfied. I may have an apple before I go to bed or a cup of tea, but I'm not hungry. This is major for a girl who likes to eat. Here's what else I ate today.
3 slices of Whole Wheat Wassa crisp bread
2 glasses of H20
(I know this was terrible, but I ate it, so I have to confess it!Even too much a good thing can be bad.)
1 cup lowfat Vanilla yogurt
1 spoonful of blueberries
handful of almonds
1 glass of H20
1 large banana
Zucchini Spaghetti
1 glass of H20
If you are trying to get fit this year stay encouraged and try something different, even a small change can make a big difference. Water instead of soda, a salad instead of fries. You can do this! Just take one small step at a time.
I even feel relatively full, not stuffed and uncomfortable, but satisfied. I may have an apple before I go to bed or a cup of tea, but I'm not hungry. This is major for a girl who likes to eat. Here's what else I ate today.
3 slices of Whole Wheat Wassa crisp bread
2 glasses of H20
(I know this was terrible, but I ate it, so I have to confess it!Even too much a good thing can be bad.)
1 cup lowfat Vanilla yogurt
1 spoonful of blueberries
handful of almonds
1 glass of H20
1 large banana
Zucchini Spaghetti
1 glass of H20
If you are trying to get fit this year stay encouraged and try something different, even a small change can make a big difference. Water instead of soda, a salad instead of fries. You can do this! Just take one small step at a time.
Live Long and Live Strong!
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