Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Preparing to Move More and Eat Well

Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by!

I have a few confessions to make...I have fallen completely off the healthy wagon, friends! I need to reboot and recharge and restart. I lost about 30 lbs before the big 40, (yay!!!) but (dare I say it??) I gained almost all of it back...sigh...

Oh well, today is a new day and I'm ready to make some changes. Hopefully, they'll stick this time. I have to tell ya, my summer was a MESS! I mean it was probably the worst summer our family has had to date. We're all still alive and kicking, but it was extremely stressful. So when I say I'm ready for some changes, I mean right now!

Whew! Okay, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now let me tell you what I'm preparing for as we end 2011 and move into 2012.

I have signed up for a year long class called Move Move Eat Well over at Big Picture Classes. If you haven't heard of BPC you should check them out. They offer a wide variety of classes that you can take online either in a real time class or in a self paced format. The classes are fabulous and fun and the prices are great too. I highly recommend them.

One of the classes I'm taking this year, related to health and wellness is called Move More Eat Well and is hosted by Cathy Zeilske and I am super excited about it. Here's what I've done so far in preparation for the class.

So, I'm going to go back to posting what I'm eating. I'll try to post daily or at least weekly. I'll continue sharing delicious recipes, when I find them, and helpful tips on eating well and getting your body moving.

Hey, if you fell off the wagon like me, there's no better time than now to dust yourself off and get back on it. You deserve to be healthy and fit!

We only have this one beautiful, crazy life.....LET'S LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST!

Thanks for looking. Until next time...Live Long & Live Strong!