Sunday, January 8, 2012
Mary J. Blige is My Workout Inspiration!
Happy Sunday and thanks for stopping by!
When I work out at home I LOVE to work out to one of my favorite Mary J. Blige songs, "Just Fine". It gets me soooo pumped up. It's not just the beat (although the beat is extra hot). It's the lyrics
"Cause I like what I see when I'm looking at me
when I'm walking past the mirror....got my head on straight
got my vibe right...ain't gonna let you steal it. I wouldn't change my life.
My life's just fine!!!!"
I LOVE it! Sometimes when I don't feel like working out, I just pull the song up on YouTube start listening to it and instantly I FEEL like doing some squats, some crunches and song leg lifts...seriously!
Is there a song in your music arsenal that gets you pumped up like that? A song that makes you instantly feel happy, energetic, more alive? Well, when you feel like crap (pardon my French), turn on YOUR SONG and get to work on that fabulous body that you deserve. Just do it!
Now, not only is Mary's MUSIC inspirational to me, but her BODY is in EXCELLENT SHAPE! I mean, look at her...

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to work my big, huge, oversized "ba-donk-a-donk" off and I am going to go shopping for an outfit just like the one Mary is wearing in this photo and I am going to take a photograph just like this! I'm serious. I'm gonna do it! This is how I want my body to look!
I'm so excited about changing my body and changing my life! I can do this!
Live long and live strong!
See you next time......Peace.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Preparing to Move More and Eat Well
Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by!
I have a few confessions to make...I have fallen completely off the healthy wagon, friends! I need to reboot and recharge and restart. I lost about 30 lbs before the big 40, (yay!!!) but (dare I say it??) I gained almost all of it back...sigh...
Oh well, today is a new day and I'm ready to make some changes. Hopefully, they'll stick this time. I have to tell ya, my summer was a MESS! I mean it was probably the worst summer our family has had to date. We're all still alive and kicking, but it was extremely stressful. So when I say I'm ready for some changes, I mean right now!
Whew! Okay, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now let me tell you what I'm preparing for as we end 2011 and move into 2012.
I have signed up for a year long class called Move Move Eat Well over at Big Picture Classes. If you haven't heard of BPC you should check them out. They offer a wide variety of classes that you can take online either in a real time class or in a self paced format. The classes are fabulous and fun and the prices are great too. I highly recommend them.
One of the classes I'm taking this year, related to health and wellness is called Move More Eat Well and is hosted by Cathy Zeilske and I am super excited about it. Here's what I've done so far in preparation for the class.
So, I'm going to go back to posting what I'm eating. I'll try to post daily or at least weekly. I'll continue sharing delicious recipes, when I find them, and helpful tips on eating well and getting your body moving.
Hey, if you fell off the wagon like me, there's no better time than now to dust yourself off and get back on it. You deserve to be healthy and fit!
We only have this one beautiful, crazy life.....LET'S LIVE IT TO THE FULLEST!
Thanks for looking. Until next time...Live Long & Live Strong!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
I'm Feeling Goooood!
Hey ya'll!
Just wanted to stop by and let you know I'm still on track for losing 40lbs in time for my 4oth Bday! I went to Tybee Island for Spring Break last month and I felt so GREAT walking on the beach in my renewed body...Here's a pic....
Only 20 more pounds to go!
Thanks for looking! See you next time.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
March Weight Loss Update
Happy Thurday and thanks for stopping by...
Okay, February was a very ROUGH month for me. First I had a vicious stomach virus, then my youngest son got bronchitis, then I got into a car accident and had to go to a therapist for about three weeks. In the middle of February my beloved grandfather, Henry died after a long battle with cancer and my husband and I have been experiencing serious money woes this month. So needless to say, I was happy to see February go...Anywho, here is my weight loss update for March.
Despite all the difficulties of the month I made up my mind NOT TO OVER EAT...PERIOD. When I felt little mini bouts of depression settling in I would work out, dance along with Michael Jackson on wii or just have a good old fashioned cry, when necessary. I just decided to keep pushing because I still want to be fabulous when I hit 40. My birthday is fast approaching. July 13th is around the corner.
So as of today I weigh 178.6 pounds and here are the pics.
Okay, February was a very ROUGH month for me. First I had a vicious stomach virus, then my youngest son got bronchitis, then I got into a car accident and had to go to a therapist for about three weeks. In the middle of February my beloved grandfather, Henry died after a long battle with cancer and my husband and I have been experiencing serious money woes this month. So needless to say, I was happy to see February go...Anywho, here is my weight loss update for March.
Despite all the difficulties of the month I made up my mind NOT TO OVER EAT...PERIOD. When I felt little mini bouts of depression settling in I would work out, dance along with Michael Jackson on wii or just have a good old fashioned cry, when necessary. I just decided to keep pushing because I still want to be fabulous when I hit 40. My birthday is fast approaching. July 13th is around the corner.
So as of today I weigh 178.6 pounds and here are the pics.
Live long and live strong!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Viva La Green Tea!
Happy Monday and thanks for stopping by...
Are you a fan of green tea? If not, perhaps you will be after you read my post for today.

10 Reasons to Drink Green Tea
- Longevity - Green tea protects against death from all causes especially cardiovascular diseases.
- Improved memory - Green tea can help to improve memory and learning ability due to the EGCG, a very strong antioxidant
- Weight control - My personal favorite..Green tea has fat burning properties especially when combined with increased physical activity nd a healthy diet.
- Lower cholesterol - Green tea reduces LDL lipid absorbtion in the digestive tract and promoting their excretion from the body
- Controlling blood sugar - Green tea has been used traditionally to control blood sugar due to its natural caffein content
- Anti-hypertensive effect - Another personal favorite...Green tea produces nitric oxide which dilates arteries and therby reduces blood pressure if you drink 1-2 1/2 cups per day. I'm sipping on my second cup as I write this blog post...
- Increase in exercise endurance - Green tea increases metabolic capacity and use of fatty acid as a source of energy in sketal muscle during exercise
- Prevents tooth decay - Yes, I said tooth decay! Green tea kills the bacteria that cause dental plaque and halitosis (otherwise known as funky breath!) and increases the acid resistance of tooth enamel.
- Soothes Arthritis - Green tea reduce inflammation and slows cartilage breakdown.
- Gastrointestial tract effects - Green tea activates intracellular antioxidants and reduce inflammtion associated with Crohn's disease an some IBD
Have you had your GREEN TEA today?
Here's my weight loss update
My current weight is 184 lbs. (Yay!)
Here's what's on my menu for today
Breakfast - Frosted Flakes cereal
Lunch - Turkey Sandwich
Snack - Weight Watcher's Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Bar (110 cals.)
Dinner - Baked Salmon patty, rice and green peas
Exercise - gentle stretching ( I was in a car accident on Valentine's day, so I have to avoid strenuous exercise for a while)
Peace & Blessings to you. See you next time!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February Weight Loss Update
Wow! It's been a long time since I posted on this blog! I've still been eating right and working out. Here's my weight loss update. I weighed myself today and I weighed in at 187.6. Woo hoo! I'm finally under 190!! Hallelujah!!
Here's my measurement update! One month in and the pants are starting to get baggy! Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about!

I'm still pushing!!! And I'm looking forward to losing more pounds and inches in February.
Live Long & Live Strong....

I'm still pushing!!! And I'm looking forward to losing more pounds and inches in February.
Live Long & Live Strong....
Friday, January 21, 2011
Food Wars: Kami Vs. Butternut Squash & Cauliflower
Food War Round 1: Kami vs. The "Infamous" Cauliflower
I have never been one to eat cauliflower...EVER...for any reason...EVER. But during this adventure to get healthy and lose 40 pounds in time for my 40th birthday I've been challenged to try lots of new things...LIKE CAULIFLOWER. My husband and I are only eating vegetables, fruits and grains. I haven't eaten any chicken or seafood this year. We don't eat beef or pork as a rule, so chicken and seafood are my only options anyway. I just think it's healthier for me with my high blood pressure issues.
So with only vegetables, fruits, and grains in our diet I have to switch things up and keep myself interested. So I looked at one of my favorite cookbooks; The Hungry Girl 200 Meals 200 Calories and Under. This book is amazing. So many delicious recipes; among them Cauliflower Casserole. Hmmmmm? Should I try it? Well, I think I shall.
So we did and of course it was fabulous. In fact is was so tasty I told my sons this may be my new substitute for my beloved macaroni and cheese. Cauliflower Casserole was cheesy, warm, creamy and the breadcrumbs on the top made for a nice contrasting texture. Overall, yummy.

I have never been one to eat cauliflower...EVER...for any reason...EVER. But during this adventure to get healthy and lose 40 pounds in time for my 40th birthday I've been challenged to try lots of new things...LIKE CAULIFLOWER. My husband and I are only eating vegetables, fruits and grains. I haven't eaten any chicken or seafood this year. We don't eat beef or pork as a rule, so chicken and seafood are my only options anyway. I just think it's healthier for me with my high blood pressure issues.
So with only vegetables, fruits, and grains in our diet I have to switch things up and keep myself interested. So I looked at one of my favorite cookbooks; The Hungry Girl 200 Meals 200 Calories and Under. This book is amazing. So many delicious recipes; among them Cauliflower Casserole. Hmmmmm? Should I try it? Well, I think I shall.
So we did and of course it was fabulous. In fact is was so tasty I told my sons this may be my new substitute for my beloved macaroni and cheese. Cauliflower Casserole was cheesy, warm, creamy and the breadcrumbs on the top made for a nice contrasting texture. Overall, yummy.

Here's the recipe:
1 large cauliflower chopped into large pieces
2 cups of milk
6 TBSP of butter (yes butter!)
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
1/4 cup no fat ricotta cheese
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
Boil the chopped cauliflower for 6 minutes. Place in casserole dish sprayed with Pam. Melt 3 TBSP of butter in a saucepan and whisk in flour and a little salt. Whisk until bubbly. Pour in milk gradually . Whisk for about 3 minutes until thick and smooth. Stir in ricotta cheese. Pour over cauliflower. Melt remaining butter in saucepan and toss breadcrumbs to coat. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over cauliflower and sauce. Top with breadcrumbs.
Bake @ 375 for 20 minutes or until brown and bubbly. Let stand for 10 minutes and Enjoy!
Food War Round 2: Kami vs. The "Elusive" Butternut Squash
I must admit I don't know much about Butternut Squash. I do remember my Cousin Mildred making one of the tastiest pies I have ever put in my mouth from them when I was a child. But I have never attempted to cook one and didn't know how. In the spirit of trying new things I looked up a recipe online. I found this Moroccan Butternut Squash recipe and it was another good one.
My only problem with the Butternut Squash was CUTTING IT!!!! It was a beast to cut. Maybe because I don't have any Ginsu knives, but I struggled to get the hull off of it. So much so that my husband and children were laughing at me. I mean, this fruit is a tough nut to crack!...Okay I know that was corny, but I'm trying to make a point here.
As I struggled to cut and cube the butternut squash I said to myself, "this better be good.....all this work I'm putting into it". And it was. My husband even asked me to buy and roast another one as soon as possible. Well, he needs to buy a set of knives for me, if he wants that to happen! Seriously! After the cutting was over, the rest was easy.
After cubing the squash I added the following Moroccan type spices:
cayenne (not too much!)
sweet paprika
Toss in olive oil first, sprinkle with seasoning mix. Spray your roasting pan and roast on 450 for about 30 minutes or until very brown and tender to the touch.....Enjoy!
Here's what ate today:
Breakfast - 3/4 cup roasted butternut squash
Lunch - Vegetable lo mein (I made it myself)
Dinner - cauliflower casserole and small salad
Beverages - water, water, water...I'm about to float away!..(hehe)
Exercise - 20 minutes of Michael Jackson the Experience for wii and 20 minutes of leg and ab work with my girl Mary J. Blige....good stuff!
1 large cauliflower chopped into large pieces
2 cups of milk
6 TBSP of butter (yes butter!)
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
1/4 cup no fat ricotta cheese
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
Boil the chopped cauliflower for 6 minutes. Place in casserole dish sprayed with Pam. Melt 3 TBSP of butter in a saucepan and whisk in flour and a little salt. Whisk until bubbly. Pour in milk gradually . Whisk for about 3 minutes until thick and smooth. Stir in ricotta cheese. Pour over cauliflower. Melt remaining butter in saucepan and toss breadcrumbs to coat. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over cauliflower and sauce. Top with breadcrumbs.
Bake @ 375 for 20 minutes or until brown and bubbly. Let stand for 10 minutes and Enjoy!
Food War Round 2: Kami vs. The "Elusive" Butternut Squash
I must admit I don't know much about Butternut Squash. I do remember my Cousin Mildred making one of the tastiest pies I have ever put in my mouth from them when I was a child. But I have never attempted to cook one and didn't know how. In the spirit of trying new things I looked up a recipe online. I found this Moroccan Butternut Squash recipe and it was another good one.
My only problem with the Butternut Squash was CUTTING IT!!!! It was a beast to cut. Maybe because I don't have any Ginsu knives, but I struggled to get the hull off of it. So much so that my husband and children were laughing at me. I mean, this fruit is a tough nut to crack!...Okay I know that was corny, but I'm trying to make a point here.
As I struggled to cut and cube the butternut squash I said to myself, "this better be good.....all this work I'm putting into it". And it was. My husband even asked me to buy and roast another one as soon as possible. Well, he needs to buy a set of knives for me, if he wants that to happen! Seriously! After the cutting was over, the rest was easy.
After cubing the squash I added the following Moroccan type spices:
cayenne (not too much!)
sweet paprika
Toss in olive oil first, sprinkle with seasoning mix. Spray your roasting pan and roast on 450 for about 30 minutes or until very brown and tender to the touch.....Enjoy!
Here's what ate today:
Breakfast - 3/4 cup roasted butternut squash
Lunch - Vegetable lo mein (I made it myself)
Dinner - cauliflower casserole and small salad
Beverages - water, water, water...I'm about to float away!..(hehe)
Exercise - 20 minutes of Michael Jackson the Experience for wii and 20 minutes of leg and ab work with my girl Mary J. Blige....good stuff!
Thank you so much for looking at my blog. I hope you'll try one of these recipes.
Live Long and Live Strong!!!
Live Long and Live Strong!!!
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